NutriWorks Flexi-Patch Foot Patch 20's/10's
30 cm (Length) x 25 cm (Width) x 30 cm (Height)
NutriWorks Flexi-Patch Foot Patch 10's (EXP:03/2025), NutriWorks Flexi-Patch Foot Patch 20's (EXP:10/2025)
Flexi-Patch is made of a fine pulverized form of purified Mandarin Wood Vinegar, nano-tourmaline and green tea. These patches may support healthy circulation and as a consequence promote cleansing internally through normal body channels.
Flexi-Patch has a high absorptive capacity and long lasting effect during use. This product is excellent for muscular aches and pains resulting from long hours of work, exercise or due to conditions such as arthritis and gout. It may also benefit people who are stressed and unable to sleep or those with edema.
Benefits 主要效用
• 有效排毒袪濕
• 有效減輕手腳浮腫現象
• 有效改善睡眠質素
• Promoting blood circulation 加強血液循環及新陳代謝
• 改善手腳冰冷或手痳腳痺等情況
• 有效對付不同痛症包括腰酸背痛、關節腫痛、肌肉酸痛
• 有效舒緩肩膊僵硬、減輕肌肉疲勞、酸痛等現象
Direction for Use
1.Place patch containing powder with printed side facing the sticky surface of the enclosed plaster sheet.
2.Stretch plaster when applying to skin to ensure good adhesion.
3.Apply patch to the soles of the feet before sleep.
4.Keep patch on for 8-10 hours and remove patches in the morning.
5.Clean the skin where patch was applied.
***For first time users: Wear on both feet for 7 consecutive nights.
1. 将印有字样一边的粉囊贴于透气性胶布上
2. 将使用利用弹性胶布伸展张力紧贴皮肤,以防卷曲松脱
3. 于睡前将已组合的粉囊及胶布置于双脚脚底
4. 可持续使用7-8小时,睡醒后可以除去
5. 使用后用水清洗所用部位
For health maintenance and detox program:
Use every week, 2 to 3 nights a week.
For aches, joint discomfort, sleeplessness and special needs:
1.Cover the sole of each foot with up to three patches.
2.Use every night until discomfort eases (safe for long term use), then switch to health maintenance program. For daytime use, apply patches on palms of hands and directly onto areas of discomfort until condition improves.
Powderized Mandarin Wood Vinegar, Tourmaline, Nano-factor, Green Tea
Store in a cool dry place.Keep out of reach of children.For external use only. Do not use on wounds, damaged skin, eyes or mucous membranes or rashes. Ask your doctor before use if you have allergies, rash, itching or if excessive skin irritation occurs. Seek medical advice before use.

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